Loebsack: “No Evidence of [Trump] Collusion With Russia”


CLINTON- Congressman Dave Loebsack (D, Iowa City) visited with constituents in Clinton at a casual lunch at Jenny’s Diner on Saturday.

When asked about the investigation of Russia’s involvement in the Presidential Election, Loebsack replied that “The FBI has officially said that they do not have any evidence of what they are looking into.  They have found no evidence of collusion with Russia.”

A member of the audience asked if the Congressman would support legislation that would require Presidential candidates to release their tax records.  Loebsack said “We could pass a law for that, but it wouldn’t affect Donald Trump retroactively.  And I would not vote for that.  For the future though, I would consider it.  Sure, the Trumps are wealthy.  The Kennedys were wealthy.  But someone’s wealth does not indicate how they will vote on an issue.”

Congressman Loebsack does not agree with many of the holdups in appointments within the Trump administration caused by the Democrats.

“Take General Mattis for example.  He’s a General in charge of the Department of Defense.  He can appoint whoever he wants to his cabinet.”

In regards to states’ rights, Loebsack said “I have a real issue with people who try to use the states’ rights argument.  Sometimes Democrats use it for what they want to use it for, and sometimes Republicans use it for what they want to use it for.  There seems to be little consistency in my mind about what we mean by states’ rights, and it’s kind of a matter of whose ox is being gored in that moment.  So we have to be very careful.  I don’t see a lot of consistency in Congress on either side of the aisle when they use the states’ rights argument.”

MacKenzie Dreeszen is a legislative assistant in the Iowa House and a political consultant specializing in fundraising